Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Pounce Quiz

I did warn my students that the only place that they would be safe from The Pounce Quiz was in the classroom. That was DEN. Some poor unsuspecting fifth or sixth year would be coming around a corner or out of a classroom when all of a sudden the crazy art teacher would be there with "What colour does Lapis Lazuli make?", or "Who was the mercenary leader of the Florentine army in the Battle of San Romano?" Needless to say students hid, ran out doors and did everything to avoid me at first. But then the reward of chewy sweets broke their resolve and they hovered, followed me and dared me to ask them questions. It became very competitive as the week went on with some students hiding behind others ready to pounce in themselves and answer some of their friends question and claim their prize. Well, the week is over and The Pounce Quiz is gone for a little while, but Paolo Uccello will be remembered and dentists will be busy.

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