Saturday, September 27, 2014

Masaccio - getting started on essay writing

One of my students came to me during the week, frustrated at not being able to improve his grade despite putting a lot of time and effort into his art history essays.  I understand the difficulties that some students continue to have even though I have given handouts, provided keyword sheets and put videos and quizzes on Carol's Art History Facebook page. It grieves many of us art teachers to see our most talented students fail to achieve the higher grades in Leaving cert art because of their inability to perform well in the written section of the test. So, this academic year I have challenged my self to find a way to work within the system and get these students to achieve a high grade in all areas of the test. I'm not saying that I have all the answers but we as a group of fifth and sixth year students and myself have embarked on a journey to find out what works. This is going to be time consuming but if we, over the next year of two, can see its value, then I have a template for future years, which can be tweaked as required and my students will benefit not just in the exams but in adjusting their learning styles.

So let's get started.
This is the plan of action for the week. Below are the student tasks and
an aid to essay writing. My plan is to give a detailed essay help sheet to start with and gradually get the students to the stage where they can plan their own.

Students weekend prep. 
Watch the videos on facebook
or from the link below(emailed to students)

Before Wednesday
Fill in the worksheet given.

Wednesday's class
Students will sit in their designated groups of 4 and discuss the paintings, sharing ideas and notes for approximately 15 minutes.
Following that I will show a PowerPoint presentation where students will be expected to contribute through questioning. I will fill in any gaps or points missed.

A further handout will be given with an essay title and a suggestion of how to structure the essay and students will have two nights to do the question. Essays will be handed in on Friday morning.

So that's the plan and here is the handout.

Essay question

Masaccio is considered to be one of the most innovative painters of the early renaissance. Discuss this statement with reference to his creative use of perspective, his ability to tell the story and his treatment of the human figure in two of his works. Illustrate your answers.

Essay structure

The keywords below are not arranged in any particular order. You must choose where you put them in the body of the essay. These are just a suggestion and you may add your own or leave out some. Remember though, a good essay will have lots of well chosen information and good clear points. 

Make reference to the early renaissance using some of the prompts from the words below
Rebirth, Quattrocento, Italy, learning, creativity, classical Greece and Rome, status of the artist, patrons, cities – centers of wealth.

The background (The artist)
Give a brief introduction to the artist, his achievements, influences and patrons.
Short life (27 years), born near Florence, artists guild, perspective, Donatello, Brunelleschi, 

The Tribute Money
Describe in detail the narrative, the composition, the techniques and the innovations.
Matthew’s gospel, Tax collector, Jesus, apostles, Peter, coin, fish, Caesar,
frescoes(define), Brancacci family, banker  Santa Maria del Carmine, Masolino, continuous narrative, 3 parts, chiaroscuro, light from the window, mathematically planned composition, one point linear perspective, atmospheric perspective, focal point, facial expressions, gestures, range of colours, flesh, folds of drapery, dramatic impact, poses of figures,cast shadows, foreground , middle ground background, snow-capped mountains, 

The Trinity
Santa Maria Novella, fresco, single vanishing point, eye level, classical architectural setting, God the Father, Jesus, cross, Holy Spirit, dove, Mary, St John, donors, Lenzi family, technique of drawing perspective, string, emotion, 

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